Saturday, May 30, 2015

Shawna's Thoughts...Surviving Alaska

Today is my last day of work. After the first day of school, I questioned whether I would make it to this point. By October, I'd figured God had made a mistake, or I had mistakenly thought this was His plan. It was difficult to get up and keep going back, and I agonized over how I was going to be able to sustain until May. By February I knew I wouldn't survive unless I gave up. So I did. I gave up trying to solve problems and just said, "God, whatever you're going to throw my way, I trust you to get me through. Bring it on." Things got better, but then I hit a wall at the beginning of May. I really didn't know how I was going to make it through to this day. I can tell you this, it wasn't by my power, and though my faith was as small as a mustard seed, God was gracious. I made it. I'm still alive and most of my wounds have healed.

I'm looking forward to next year. My office will actually be in the elementary building and that will make a huge difference. I have been asked to become the Lead Teacher in addition to my counseling duties, and even though I don't know exactly what my responsibilities will be, I am looking forward to the challenge. We will have a new administrator next year and I'm really looking forward to working with him. He's a man of integrity, someone who will work toward building positive relationships, cares about others and has great leadership skills. (And did I mention he's my newest nephew?)

For those of you who prayed me through this year, thank you. To my amazing husband who at times had to literally hold me together, thank you for your patience, prayer, love and support.

I’m looking forward to the summer and the visits from family. It will be a balm to my soul.  I’m also ready for some Alaska adventures, which we will continue to share in the Goodwin Gazette-Alaska Edition. Who’s ready to hear about a bear hunt? Stay tuned!

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